在工作时间内有紧急的临床/个人危机, 学生可于当日前来与心理紧急临床医生会面。. 这些通常是20-30分钟的会议,重点是危机管理. 主要目标是稳定和安全,以便学生可以继续下一步.


  • Although urgency is defined by each student’s experience, 向急救中心提出的典型问题是:伤害自己或他人的想法, being at risk of failing classes due to mental health issues, paralyzing anxiety that limits everyday functioning, 而BC社区关心的是学生的行为或痛苦程度.
  • Similar to any urgent care or emergency room, one might have to wait for the next available emergency clinician. 大多数等待时间不超过30分钟,我们尽最大努力对临床最紧急的病例进行分类.


If you have a psychological emergency, do one of the following:

1. 正常工作时间(上午8:45 -下午4:00,周一至周五)请致电617-552-3310

  • 如果你在校园里,这是一个危及生命的紧急情况,请拨打电子游戏软件警察617-552-4444.
  • 如果你在校外并且有生命危险,请拨打911.
  • 如果你有紧急问题需要立即帮助请致电或到Gasson 001的大学咨询服务中心并要求与心理紧急临床医生(PEC)交谈.

2. After office hours and weekends

  • 如果您有问题想与我们的工作人员讨论,并且可以等到下一个工作日,请致电咨询服务617-552-3310,并按照提示连接到心理紧急临床医生(PEC).
  • 如果您有紧急问题需要立即帮助,请致电617-552-3310, 按选项2,并要求与不在校园的PEC通话.   

If you are on campus and this is a life-threatening emergency, call the 电子游戏软件 Police at 617–552–4444.


To make an appointment:


呼叫 617-552-3310  
紧急 contacts outside Monday–Friday, 8:45–4:00 p.m. 应该叫


Monday through Friday 8:45 a.m. 到下午4:45.m.


University Counseling 服务
140 Commonwealth Ave, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467


Same-Day Consultation:

我们努力为那些在解决特定问题方面需要支持而不一定需要持续治疗的学生提供更快的服务, 我们提供与我们的一位临床医生同日30分钟的咨询. 这些是一次性的咨询会议,旨在明确您的治疗目标和解决特定问题的问题.g., advice on roommate or relationship conflict, how to best manage stress, coping skills regarding anxiety, help making a decision). 咨询会议是为目标而设计的,这样你就可以带着接下来的步骤离开. If a student wants/needs a follow up in the future, they can call and request another one-time, same-day consultation.


  • 预约只在当天安排,先到先得
  • 这是一次咨询,并不意味着持续的心理治疗
  • Any follow ups may be with a different clinician
  • It will help to have an identified goal in mind
  • 提前10-15分钟到达,填写人口统计和临床信息


如果一个学生正在寻找短期到中期的咨询或需要帮助来确定什么治疗是最合适的, they can schedule a 20-minute triage phone appointment, 在此期间,临床医生将收集有关主要问题的信息,并与学生合作,提出适当的治疗建议.g., short-term individual therapy at UCS, group therapy at UCS, off campus therapy, or other campus resources).


  • 找一个安静的私人空间,接听来自UCS的20分钟电话
  • 这是对您临床需求的快速评估,而不是完整的评估
  • 可能有多种结果包括团体治疗的建议, off campus referral, short term psychotherapy, or other campus or web-based resources
Note: You cannot make an appointment for another person. All appointments must be made by the person seeking counseling. 你可以预约咨询师,了解对另一个人的担忧.



Recognizing 学生 in Distress


Academic Indicators 

  • 重复的缺席 
  • Missed assignments, exams, or appointments
  • Deterioration in quality or quantity of work
  • Extreme disorganization or erratic performance 
  • Written or artistic expression of unusual violence, 社会隔离, despair or confusion, preoccupation with suicide or death
  • Continual seeking of special provisions (e.g., extensions on papers, make-up exams)
  • Patterns of perfectionism: (e.g. inability to accept any grade but an A)
  • 对成绩或其他评价的过分或不相称的反应

Behavioral and Emotional Indicators

  • Direct statements indicating distress, family problems, or loss 
  • Angry or hostile outbursts, yelling or aggressive comments
  • Withdrawn from others, low motivation
  • Expressions of hopelessness or worthlessness; crying or tearfulness
  • Expressions of severe anxiety or irritability
  • Excessively demanding or dependent behavior
  • Failure to respond to outreach by professors or staff 
  • Shakiness, tremors, fidgeting or pacing
  • More animated than usual, euphoria, overly enthusiastic

Physical Indicators

  • Deterioration in physical appearance or personal hygiene
  • Excessive fatigue, exhaustion, falling asleep in class repeatedly
  • 体重的明显变化,食欲或睡眠的变化
  • Noticeable cuts, bruises or burns
  • Frequent or chronic illness
  • Disorganized speech, rapid or slurred speech, confusion 
  • Unusual inability to make eye contact 
  • Coming to class bleary-eyed or smelling of alcohol or marijuana 


在任何情况下,都有几种正确的方式来以一种关心的方式接触学生. The only risk is in doing nothing at all.

紧急 联系s

Administrator on 呼叫 (via BCPD) 617-552–4444

Psychological 紧急 Clinician (PEC) 617-552–3310

Responding to 学生 in Distress

  1. Speak directly with the student
  2. Refer the student to the appropriate resource 
  3. When in doubt, consult

When talking to the student directly: 

You will not be taking on the role of counselor. 你只需要倾听,关心和提供资源推荐信息.

  • Meet individually and in a quiet place
  • Set a hopeful tone
  • Express your concern and caring
  • Point out specific behaviors you’ve observed
  • 认真倾听学生的反应,鼓励他或她说话
  • Suggest resources and referrals
  • Avoid making promises of confidentiality
  • Plan for follow-up

Please note: Unless the student is suicidal or a danger to others, 获取资源的最终决定权属于学生. 

When you refer the student directly:

Explain the limitations of your knowledge and experience. 转介资源有资源以更适当的方式帮助学生.

  • 提供名称, 转介资源的电话号码和办公地点或步行学生到转介资源
  • 如果你带学生去转介资源,告诉资源你的担忧. If the student is sent over without you, 在学生到达之前,通过电话通知资源您的担忧.
  • Realize that your offer of help may be rejected
  • Keep the lines of communication open. Follow up with the student

When you consult, do so with one or more of these resources:

  • Your supervisor or co-worker 
  • 学术顾问
  • Department Chair or Associate Dean
  • Graduate Program Administrator 
  • University Counseling 服务
  • University 卫生服务
  • Office of the Dean of 学生
  • 公元前的警察
  • 住宅生活

情况是这样的 紧急的 if: 

  • 有书面或口头陈述提到绝望、自杀或死亡.
  • Severe hopelessness, depression, isolation and withdrawal
  • 表明该学生将“离开很长一段时间”的陈述 

如果学生表现出任何这些迹象,他/她可能会对自己构成直接的危险. 在这种情况下, 你应该和学生呆在一起,并拨打617-552-3310联系大学咨询服务.

下班后,您可以致电617-552-3310联系心理急诊临床医生, 按选项2.

情况是这样的 an 紧急 if:

  • 身体或言语攻击是针对自己、他人或财产的
  • The student is unresponsive to the external environment; he or she is: incoherent or passed out, dis-connected from reality/exhibiting psychosis, displaying outright disruptive behavior
  • The situation feels threatening or dangerous to you or others


